Mohel Answers Frequently Asked Questions About Circumcision

Posted on January 16th, 2024

Circumcision, a procedure rooted in cultural, religious, and medical practices, continues to be a topic of significant interest and debate. 

As a centuries-old tradition, it carries profound meanings and implications for many. In modern times, the procedure isn't just a ritualistic practice but also a medical decision made for various health-related reasons. 

Understanding the ins and outs of circumcision is vital, whether for parents considering it for their children or adults contemplating the procedure for themselves.

Navigating the sea of information about circumcision can be overwhelming. That's why we've compiled this comprehensive guide, addressing the most pressing questions and concerns. 

Our focus is on delivering factual, clear, and concise answers to aid in making informed decisions. From the most common circumcision method to specific care instructions post-procedure, our goal is to enlighten and inform.

This article is not just a resource but a gateway to understanding the intricacies of circumcision for children and adults alike. 

We dive into different types of circumcision, including the traditional Bris Milah and the medical procedures followed in hospitals. Plus, we answer frequently asked questions, providing insights directly from experienced Mohels.

Emphasizing the significance of expert care and advice in such delicate matters, we invite you to explore this guide. Let's demystify circumcision together, ensuring you have all the necessary information at your fingertips.

Types of Circumcision: Bris Milah vs Regular

Circumcision, often seen as a simple medical procedure, is more complex than it appears. It involves the surgical removal of the foreskin from the penis, a practice with deep roots in various cultures and religions, as well as medical circles. This procedure, while common, varies significantly in its approach, especially when comparing the traditional Bris Milah with regular medical circumcision.

Bris Milah: A Cultural and Religious Ceremony

The Bris Milah is not merely a medical procedure but a covenantal ritual in Jewish tradition. Performed on the eighth day of a male infant's life, this ceremony is rich with religious significance. It symbolizes the baby's entry into the Jewish faith and a commitment to its values and traditions. A Mohel, trained in both the religious and medical aspects of the procedure, conducts the Bris Milah, ensuring adherence to Jewish laws and traditions.

Regular Medical Circumcision

In contrast, regular medical circumcision is often performed in a hospital or clinical setting, typically devoid of religious context. This procedure can be done at various stages, from infancy to adulthood, depending on health, cultural, or personal reasons. Medical circumcisions are carried out by healthcare professionals, focusing purely on the medical aspects of the procedure. The approach and techniques may vary, but the primary goal is the safe and hygienic removal of the foreskin.

Frequently Asked Questions Answered by a Mohel

When it comes to circumcision, numerous questions arise, particularly from parents and adults considering the procedure. Understanding the concerns and curiosities people have is crucial. 

This section, crafted from the perspective of an experienced Mohel, aims to provide clear and comprehensive answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about circumcision. We hope to offer insights that are both informative and reassuring, addressing common queries with professional expertise.

"What is the difference between a Bris Milah and a regular medical circumcision?"

One of the primary differences lies in the purpose and setting of the procedure. A Bris Milah is a Jewish religious ceremony, symbolizing the covenant between God and the Jewish people, typically performed on the eighth day after a male infant's birth. It's conducted by a Mohel, who is trained in both the religious significance and the surgical technique of the procedure. In contrast, regular medical circumcision is a surgical procedure performed in a hospital or clinical setting, often for health reasons or personal preferences, and can be done at any age.

"How do you ensure the comfort and safety of the child during the circumcision process?"

Ensuring the comfort and safety of the child is paramount. Before the procedure, the Mohel or medical professional will assess the child’s health to ensure suitability for the procedure. During circumcision, pain relief methods, such as topical anesthetics or mild sedation, may be used depending on the age and health of the child. Sterile techniques are strictly adhered to, minimizing the risk of infection. Post-procedure care instructions are provided to ensure a smooth and safe recovery.

"What are the health benefits and risks associated with circumcision?"

Circumcision is associated with several potential health benefits. It can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections in infants and lower the risk of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, in adulthood. Circumcision may also prevent penile problems like phimosis (tight foreskin) and decrease the risk of penile cancer. However, like any surgical procedure, there are risks, such as bleeding, infection, and potential pain. These risks are generally low, especially when the procedure is performed by a skilled and experienced practitioner.

"Are there any special care instructions I need to follow post-circumcision?"

Post-circumcision care is crucial for a smooth recovery. The area should be kept clean and dry. If a bandage is used, it usually falls off within a few days. Parents are advised to gently clean the area with warm water and avoid using soap directly on the circumcision site. Any signs of infection, such as excessive redness, swelling, or discharge, should be reported to the healthcare provider immediately. For adults, additional care may include abstinence from sexual activity until fully healed.

"Can adult circumcision be performed, and what does it entail?"

Yes, adult circumcision is a viable option and is performed for various reasons, including personal preference, medical necessity, or religious conversion. The procedure for adults is similar to that for children but often involves more extensive use of anesthesia and a longer recovery period. Adults considering circumcision should discuss the benefits and risks with a healthcare provider to make an informed decision. Pre-procedure consultations and post-procedure follow-ups are essential to ensure the best outcomes. The recovery process may include pain management, wound care, and guidelines for resuming normal activities, including sexual activity. It's important for adults to closely follow the given instructions to minimize risks and promote healing.

The decision to undergo circumcision, whether for a child or an adult, is significant. Comprehensive understanding and professional guidance are key to ensuring a safe and satisfactory experience. These answers, provided by an experienced Mohel, aim to address the most common concerns and questions, offering clarity and insight into this important decision.

Circumcision Procedure for Children or Adults in Seattle

Choosing to undergo circumcision, whether for a child or an adult, involves understanding the procedure itself. In Seattle, where diverse cultural and medical practices converge, it's essential to know how circumcision is performed, considering the unique needs of each individual. This section explores the circumcision procedure for both children and adults, highlighting the approach, care, and expertise available in Seattle.

Procedure for Children

Circumcision for children in Seattle is performed with utmost care and precision. The process typically involves a brief surgical procedure where the foreskin is removed. For infants, this is often done using a specialized clamp or ring device to ensure safety and reduce discomfort. Pain management strategies, such as topical or local anesthesia, are employed to minimize discomfort. The procedure usually takes only a few minutes, and the child can go home the same day. Parents receive detailed aftercare instructions, including how to keep the area clean, recognize signs of infection, and manage any discomfort the child might experience.

Procedure for Adults

The approach to adult circumcision in Seattle is slightly different, considering the maturity of the tissues and the individual’s overall health. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, combined with sedation, to ensure comfort. The process involves the surgical removal of the foreskin and requires more time than infant circumcision. Post-operative care is crucial, with a focus on pain management, wound care, and guidelines for resuming daily activities. Adults considering circumcision are advised to have a detailed consultation with their healthcare provider to understand the procedure, the recovery process, and any potential risks.

The expertise available in Seattle ensures that circumcision, whether for children or adults, is conducted with the highest standards of safety and care. Trained professionals, both medical and religious, are equipped to provide a comfortable and reassuring experience, addressing any concerns that may arise before, during, or after the procedure.


As we close this detailed exploration of circumcision, we recognize the importance of making well-informed decisions in matters of personal and family health. Our aim has been to provide you with clear, comprehensive information, directly addressing your concerns and questions. 

At Seattle Bris and Circumcision, we are committed to offering expert guidance and support throughout your journey, whether it involves circumcision for a child or an adult.

We understand that each individual's needs and circumstances are unique, and we are here to offer personalized care and advice. 

If you wish to discuss your specific needs or have any additional questions, our team is just a call or an email away. 

You can reach us at (206) 657-6394 or email us at [email protected] .

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Please call me at 856-291-1873 to discuss any questions you may have, or to schedule a Bris or Circumcision.